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Article 1 - Organization and context
Otter Operations UK Limited, the Organizing Body is developing online marketing games on behalf of Partner Establishments (restaurants, delicatessens, cinemas, chocolate shops, hotels, bakeries, etc.) wishing to liven up their businesses by offering gifts in a fun way to their customers and physical visitors, the Participants.
Article 2 - Terms and conditions of participation
Participation in the Games is reserved for customers and physical visitors of the Partner Establishments. Any Participant interested in the Game will be invited to perform one or more actions predetermined by the Partner Establishment on an electronic medium (leave a review, subscribe to social networks, etc.).
Article 3 - Prize
The Game prize consists of a gift or benefit offered by the Partner Establishment. The nature of the prize, the stock at stake, as well as the conditions of recovery are specifically defined by the Partner Establishment and may change at any time.

It is specified that the Organizing Body does not intervene in any way in the determination of the prizes. The Partner Establishment is the sole decision-maker as to the choice and amount of the prizes, which is entirely autonomous thanks to the interface set up. Consequently, the liability of the Organizing Body as to the prizes, for any reason whatsoever, may not be sought.
Article 4 - Designation of winners
The draws to designate the winners are made automatically, following participation and the data indicated by the Partner Establishment, thanks to a random algorithm. For each participation, the algorithm will maximize the number of gifts distributed taking into account the quantities indicated by the Partner Establishment as well as the average number of Participants per week. The winners will then receive a "gift coupon" by email.

The winners are required to check their emails. The Organizing Body and the Partner Establishment cannot be held responsible for a lack of information from the winners regarding their victory.

If it turns out that a Participant has won by not respecting these rules, by fraudulent means or by means other than those resulting from the process described by the Organizing Body or by violating one of the conditions of participation, he shall then lose his status as winner, without prejudice to any proceedings that may be brought against him by the Organizing Body.

In this case, the Participant will receive an email informing him/her of the loss of his/her status as a winner, including a reminder of these rules.
Article 5 - Conditions of participation
Registration for the Game implies unreserved acceptance of and compliance with the provisions of these rules, which may be accessed at any time during the Game and about which the Organizing Body shall have final authority to rule on any disputed case or any difficulty of interpretation.

In the event of rejection of all or part of these rules, it is up to the Participants to refrain from participating in the Contest.

Participation is strictly nominative and the Participant may under no circumstances play under several pseudonyms or on behalf of another person. It is understood that a Participant is defined as a single natural person: any use of different member accounts by the same Participant will be considered as an attempt at fraud resulting in the definitive elimination of the Participant. It is strictly forbidden for a Participant to compete from an email account opened for another person. Only one and only one email address may be used per natural person participating.

It is strictly forbidden, by any means whatsoever, to modify or attempt to modify the proposed Game devices, in particular in order to modify the results or to influence the validity of the draw by an automated or unfair means. In order to prevent the risk of fraud, each Participant may only play once per Partner Establishment on the same day. If necessary, the Organizing Body is authorized to make all necessary verifications in order to verify the absence of fraud.
Article 6 - Delivery of prizes
The winners will systematically receive a "gift coupon" by email.

The terms and conditions of settlement of the prize are systematically specified on each gift coupon as soon as a Participant acquires the status of winner (e.g.: gift coupon valid from the day after participation).

These terms of payment are defined by the Partner Establishment when the Game is set up via the platform set up by the Organizing Body. Therefore, in the event of any difficulty with the said terms and conditions, it is advisable to contact the Partner Establishment, the Organizing Body being released from any responsibility in this regard.

To receive their prize, the Winners must either show their coupon to the staff of the Partner Establishment or insert a promotional code directly on a website specified on the coupon.

In the case where the prize is to be collected directly from the Partner Establishment, the Participant must necessarily have his gift coupon validated by the Partner Establishment staff in order to receive his prize (the validation is done using a QR code indicated directly on the gift coupon).

It is the responsibility of the Participants to verify the information they provide during their participation.

In the event that the winner\'s email address proves to be obviously erroneous, it shall not be incumbent upon the Organizing Body or the Partner Establishment to carry out research of any kind whatsoever to find the winner. The winner shall lose the benefit of his/her prize and may not claim any compensation.
Article 7 - Personal data
Within the framework of the provision of the Game and its dedicated platform, the Organizing Body acknowledges that it may collect and process personal data, in particular when Participants fill out the registration and participation form.

The personal data collected by the Organizing Body is necessary for participation in the Game. This data includes, in particular, the first and last names of Participants and their e-mail address.

When a Participant validates his/her application for the Game, he/she thereby accepts that his/her personal data be shared with the Partner Establishment as well as with the Organizing Body, for the sole and unique purpose of participating in the Game.

The data is kept for a period of 2 years, in accordance with the rules in force.

The Organizing Body undertakes to process the personal data thus entrusted to it in accordance with the legal provisions, and to ensure that its staff, whether permanent or non-permanent, and any subcontractors comply with the terms thereof, in particular by passing on to them the undertakings provided for herein.

Thus, the Organizing Body certifies that the personal data are not assigned, transferred or made accessible to any third party.

The Organizing Body guarantees that it complies with all legal obligations relating to the protection of personal data in the United Kingdom.

Consequently, Participants have the following rights at any time, upon simple request, accompanied if necessary by proof of identity:
Requests must be sent by e-mail to the following address: growth@tryotter.com.
Article 8 - Intellectual property
The Organizing Body is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the data and information pertaining to the platform and its Services, including the software and databases that ensure their operation, as well as all of its content, namely, and without this list being restrictive, images, texts, drawings, logos, videos, sounds, data, graphics. These data are protected by intellectual property rights, in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.